Sunday, 26 February 2012

Travelling with Tots- activities:


We are heading on a holiday soon, and again need ideas to entertain my Little Man (LM) on aeroplane, bus, restaurants, trains, airports…
So I have been putting my thinking cap on and here are some of the things we have successfully used previously and some new suggestions we plan to try:
  • Book and toy Combo:
    • As I mentioned in my recent Week1 Pinterest Challenge my LM loves all things to do with the Sea- fish (Nemo, sweet lips, swordfish), penguins, hammerhead sharks, octopuses, jelly fish, crabs, etc
Week 1 Pinterest Challenge Snow Globe Aquarium

Also this trip is slightly sea themed as we plan to visit a cool aquarium and marine park.
    • So we recently purchased a little penguin Dada and baba from Schleich (a brand which we adore!!)
Emperor penguin with chick
    • And while on our date on Saturday, me and my hubby passed a new charity shop, and got a great Penguin book
100 Facts on Penguins
100 Facts about Penguins
    • So we will be combining the two into a lovely gift for LM to appear at a potential disaster an opportune moment.
  • Activity Books:
    • Mr Men counting- I picked this up a while ago and it has been in my goodie box (anytime I see a good deal on books/ games/ toys, I buy them and pop them into the goodie box for future use) and looks like a good activity book. LM is counting everything these days, so i think he will enjoy it.
  • Lacing Game: as detailed in earlier post

  • Puppets:
    • We got a load of tiny finger puppets from Ikea at various times, and always good for telling stories.
    • Ikea Puppets

  • Figurines:
    • We had a treasure hunt last Sunday and the “treasure” this time was a little boy, we called him Ben. Through the treasure hunt we developed a story around Ben. I also picked Ben, and his mum and dad up in sales, all €2.50, and they are goodie box occupies. So we thought we might bring his mum and dad with us and they could be waiting in the apartment.
  • I-Spy Book: inspired by Pinterest Pin
    • I took some photos of a mixture of LM’s toys and am planning on making a cute little I-Spy book. Still in process of doing this, post shortly.

  • CD Case game: I have yet to do this, but am planning on it- great idea!!
Pinned Image
  • Etch a Sketch- we bought this for €3.99 before our last trip to France and it was a success, and has been used a good bit since. Good for drawing games- Mama or Dada draw picture and LM guesses what it is. Or opposite, LM draws and we guess.
    • Product Details           
  • Card Games: We got 2 sets of cards- wild animals and vehicles. Both are things LM loves. They are €1.50 each and great images. So you can play traditional games of snap or memory or go fish. Or make up your own games, like make the sound of the animal or vehicle that comes up, or name the animal’s baby, lots of scope.
  • Colouring: Bring a small selection of crayons (twistables would be great as no mess, no breaks) and a homemade notebook/ colouring book. I made a colouring book with images found on the net, all the cartoon type people LM knows from films/ books/ toys at the moment. Print, and bind/ staple.
  • Water Painting: found this great set- a reusable no mess paint set. The one we got was “Cars” themed, it’s great, you have a little pen that you fill up with water and use this as a marked/ paint brush. When rubbed over special paper it reveals the coloured image.
  • Books (again): some of his favourites, not too many obviously, limited case room, we decided on the following:
    • Katie and the Sunflowers (a recent birthday gift for Dada from LM)
Katie and the Sunflowers
Katie and the Sunflowers

    • The whale and the Snail (sea theme)
    • Disney book- heavy but a requirement for sleep!
    • And new Apple Tree Farm Collection
I purchased a brilliant collection recently which had been put aside for this trip. Can’t wait to read it with LM, he has 2 of these books already, and about a year ago I picked up a set of figurines that we now call Poppy, Sam, Mama (Mrs. Boot) and Dada (Tom- he is really the farm hand, no dada on scene but for LM he is also called Dada- his assumption) and Dog (rusty).
What ideas have you used to entertain your Little Ones while travelling???

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